Late Mr. Abu Zafar Zaidi (Founder)
A respected community member, born on 4th of August' 1928, had given his total life for social and welfare of society. He lived his life just like a common person giving precedence to the simplicity and served in sympathy, faithfulness and help for the other people.
He was a kind, honest and truthful person always believe on non-violence.
Keeping various perspective in mind for to the welfare of society, he started many tasks which in results today, became organizations. On 28th of April' 2010, he took his last breath and said goodbye to this world.
Mr. Abu Afaq Zaidi (Director)
He is son of Late. Mr. Abu Zafar Zaidi and one of his successor.
He is a respected community member and kind, loyal and truthful person as well. On completion of studies, he stand along with his father and include himself in the race of social and welfare.
He is running various organizations under NNITM for the present and future welfare of human society, following his father's teachings.
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Ms. Tabassum Zaidi (President)
Wife of Mr. Abu Afaq Zaidi and a well known respected community member.
She is controlling many tasks of NNITM and its subsidiaries, moving step by step along with her husband.
Currently, she is also hosting the place of Principal of Best Dream Junior High School and President Of Manav Daya Sansthan.
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