Manav Daya Sansthan
New Way To Prosperity & Welfare
Manav Daya Sansthan is a voluntary registered Social Helping and Welfare Non-Governmental Organization (a unit of Nehru National Institute of Technology And Management) founded by Mr. Abu Afaq Zaidi under the guidance of Late Mr. Abu Zafar Zaidi and was established in 2003.
Various services have been undertaken by Manav Daya Sansthan related to the social welfare and for the future perspective as are under:-
• Widow's Pension.
• Handicapped Pension.
• Blind Pension.
• Dumb Pension.
• Advise to unsupported & needy person (related to PAN Card, LIC, Passport, Ration Card, etc.)
• Information related to any task under Right To Information, RTI Act 2005.
• Scholarship for the students by State/Central Government or by any other organization and related information.
• Information related to trust opening.
• Funds provided by Central & State Govt. for starting of any business or organization.
• Advice related to Income Tax 12A, 80G, and registration to FCRA.
• Currently running an English Medium School+Day Boarding for poor children of the community named Best Dream Junior High School, Recognized by U.P. Govt. and controlled by Miss. Tabassum Zaidi (Principal).
You Can Support Us
You may participate in this benevolent deed by contributing as more as you can or even a single penny. We will provide you a certificate from Govt. for your total contribution and help.
You can transfer your total aid to this account:-
Name: Bank Of Maharashtra.
Account No.: 60129855669
IFSC Code: MAHB0001279
Branch: Tulsidas Marg, Chowk, Lucknow-226003, U.P. India.